🀝 Real Data automated Gmb mANAGEMENT

Meet Lihi, the fully
automated Google
Business Profile
Management AI software


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Automated Images

When you upload images to Lihi, she optimizes them for your keywords including their file names, meta descriptions, plus geotags them, then she uploads them to your Google Business Profile’s photos section at the optimal moment instead of all at once.

Google Business Posts

Lihi can automatically write, schedule and publish posts onto your Google Business Profile. She can even create custom graphics if you don’t have any and turn your 5-star reviews into posts.

Q&As Posts

Lihi can automatically ask hyper specific questions and answer them on your Google Business Profile by using information about your business found on your website.

πŸ”₯Vision & Mission

Optimize Your Profile in
2 Minutes

Forget about keeping up with the latest SEO tricks! Lihi learns by analyzing 10K+ data points each month to see what’s working and what’s not and auto adjusts to match Google’s ever changing best practices.

Lihi can optimize a Google Business Profile in just two minutes, saving you countless hours trying oto rank higher on Google Maps. This optimization covers your description, services, review replies, and more!

Rockstar Account Manager

Lihi won’t let you fail, and will send you alerts if you’re running low on images, aren’t getting enough reviews to rank higher, need to approve something, and will email you your ranking progress reports.

Flag Bad Reviews with Google

Lihi audits all your reviews when you sign up and ongoing and flags the bad ones with Google to try to get them taken down if they violate any of Google terms. Lihi cannot automatically take down reviews, but flagging them can help.

Self Improves Over Time

Forget about keeping up with the latest SEO tricks! Lihi learns by analyzing 10K+ data points each month to see what’s working and what’s not and auto adjusts to match Google’s ever changing best practices.

Lihi constantly learns & improves

Profiles rank in top 3 within 6
0 %
People click on top 3 ranking
0 %
People using Google to find
local business
0 %
$38 dollar return per $1
invested with Lihi
0 $


I've been using Lihi for approximately 10 days now, and I'm absolutely blown away! This platform has propelled our highly competitive tech business to the top spots (#1 and #2) with our most crucial keywords. Guy, the CEO, is incredibly approachable and supportive." - Michael Kirchhoff

Daniel Clark


I tested out Guac Digital to see how they could help my business and specifically my Google Business Profile. I found their free heatmap report, and it is awesome! I can search my specific GBP categories and see how I am doing. The best part is that I can check on this any month at no cost to see if my rankings are improving.

Jessica Lee


I've been using Merchynt's latest AI-based platform, Lihi, for a few days now. Aside from the impressive technology behind it, Lihi really stands out from the crowd and delivers results...fast! I tested Lihi on my own GBP, and within 24 hours of posting fully automated updates, I saw significant improvements.

Michael Thompsan



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